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Sunday, November 27, 2005

Seven Simple Truths

I recently uncovered some notes I took on a cross-country flight eight years ago. Reviewing them after such an absence adds credence to my belief that they were not just the scribbling of a jetlagged pundit, jotting down the latest vogue notions. As I recall, my journal became the captive audience where I was able to assemble a collection of “ah ha’s” that had finally resonated with me. When I consider the numerous life events that have occurred, personally and globally in that period of time, it provides me with reassuring solace that these Seven Simple Truths are straightforward, spot on and should be reviewed with greater frequency than I have done.

Seven Simple Truths

One, it is better to be good. I don’t mean pious, but I do mean knowing ethical behavior and common sense manners. Knowing you’re values and acting in accordance to them.

Two, cause and effect works in every event whether we choose to believe it or not. Everything happens for a reason and the reason is a reaction to what has already occurred.

Three, we all need to give more. We need to give more of our time, our energy our thoughts, our ideas, our talents, ourselves -- more of everything imaginable. We must give; this includes our love as well. We should remember that gifts of any sort are tokens of affection or appreciation. Indeed, appreciation begets affection. Therefore if we do not feel genuine appreciation or affection that will be reflected in the gift.

Four, anything is possible. Everything that exists today that was created by man was once a foolish idea that people thought would never work. The truth of the matter is everything is possible. Every problem is solvable. Every epidemic is curable and every thirst quenchable. We have the power and the ability to abolish poverty, to end starvation, to resolve conflict without bloodshed. With patience, perseverance and focused thinking we can accomplish any goal. It may not be easy, but it can be done.

Five, the body and mind must be exercised. The body must guard our mind and our mind must inspire our body. While in this form they rely on each other. Once they begin to separate our time left in this form hastens to become less important.

Six, being happy is better than being sad. However, both are emotions, and emotions are not right or wrong. They just are. They are the by-products of an action. Therefore it is better to do things that make you positive and upbeat. Always smile, laugh and inquire like a child. We are given so much – it is the ignorant that attempt to take it away with slack faces, sour attitude and doomsayer clichés.

Seven, know what you want. It is simply that easy. Just knowing what it is you want to accomplish sends you well on your way ahead of the indecisive pack.

Think more. Do more. Give more. See more. Be more. Laugh more. And know that anything is possible.

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Des'ree - You Gotta Be

Brooke White - Let It Be

Rob Thomas - Little Wonders