There must be a strong leader AND pervasive leadership.
Charisma is not leadership, although it can act as a helpful tool to quickly gain the acceptance of an audience. Effective leaders share a passion for and a record of accomplishments. Strong leadership is demonstrated daily by a person or a group of people who are honest, forthright, markedly visible and approachable. They fulfill their need to be out in the field regularly. If not actually walking on the frontlines then they talk with people who work there, both in “town hall” meetings and in one to one settings. They remember that just as the shepherd is there for the benefit of the flock, leadership is there to serve the people.
The organization must have a repeatable compelling vision and sense of purpose.
The organization must have a repeatable compelling vision and sense of purpose.
If possible it should be a clear and concise singular vision. Every activity that the organization tackles must be able to foster a closer linkage to that compelling vision. It must be memorable and repeatable so that every message, action and strategy supports the purpose with their obvious connections. The clarity of the vision should be worded and marketed in a way that others can understand it, support it, be excited by it, be growing some passion around it, and be inventive in discovering other ways to achieve that purpose.
There must be a sense of overwhelming optimism.
There must be a sense of overwhelming optimism.
The compelling vision is not only the day to day here’s what we need to do and why, but the over arching here is our place on earth, here’s our legacy, here’s the good that we wish to do. Living that is what creates a legacy. Knowing that is what helps create positivism. That positive approach has to be all encompassing. Tolerance of rampant apathy or negativism is a weakness. If optimism is not visible in practice, alarms should sound and priority given to overcoming whatever the obstruction may be. This does not forego the crucial role of devils advocate and challenging viewpoints -- but to leave negative feelings or remarks unchecked, even in the simplest day-to-day transactions, is to enable the contagion. Counter the virus with positive encouragement and recognition.
There must be a regular diet of meaningful recognition.
There must be a regular diet of meaningful recognition.
Positive reinforcement, thanks and praise are the nutritional components of a healthy workforce, the helium that lifts the balloon to new heights. It is a currency that many organizations are afraid of spending; yet its value can be limitless. Without it or withholding it until the perfect moment can result in at worst, a bankruptcy of human potential, and at best, leave people with a feeling of emotional deficiency. All people want to do a good job, regardless of which motivations they declare to be driven by; the rewards of learning new experiences, enhancing important relationships or legacy building, people will respond to those who notice what they have already contributed with even greater performance.